Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Corner Gas The Movie Announcement

One of my favourite Canadian tv shows is Corner Gas and unfortunately it ended a few years ago which I was very sad to see it end.

You don't know what Corner Gas is?  What?!?!  Have you been living in a cave or something?  Corner Gas is one of the funniest Canadian tv shows of all time and it was created by Brent Butt. The show takes place in  fictional town of Dog RiverSaskatchewan  and focuses on the life  of gas station owner Brent LeRoy, coffee shop proprietor Lacey Burrows and the folks who populate the town. 

The main characters are Brent Herbert Leroy, Lacey Burrows, Hank Yarbo,Wanda Dollard, Oscar Leroy, Emma Leroy, Sergeant Davis Quinton and Constable Karen Pelly.

 The show had 6 seasons (started in 2004 and ended in 2009) 

If you are a fan of the show watch this video 

Isn't that the greatest news ever?  I personally think it is and I have been wanting them to either bring the show back or at least make it into a movie so I am very excited about that.  Like I said it made my day and I just had to share the news with all of you. 

I don't usually send you all links to Kickstarter campaigns but I am so excited and I know a lot of people are very happy about Corner Gas movie so I decided to share it with all of you. 

If you want to donate click on the widget below 

I have no association with the people making this movie and not making money for blogging about Corner Gas The Movie. I am just excited about it that I had to share with all of you.


  1. Wow! I had no idea it was being made into a movie! I LOVE Corner Gas! It was one of my fave shows. So funny. Reminds me of my life on the Island! Everyone knows everyone and there's one gas station, one restaurant, etc! LOL!

    1. I had no idea either. Saw a little teaser video that Brent Butt posted on YouTube last night and I was so hoping it was true and this morning it was announced on CanadaAM.

  2. Oh this would make my day!!! I especially love the chemistry (or lack there of) between Oscar & Emma. Love them!!

  3. Hahaha! I've heard of Corner Gas (starting in university, when friends of mine had the same "What? You've never heard of it?") reaction but I've never watched it. That's cool it's coming back as a movie. :)

  4. LOL!! I have never watched the show but I know that it is a HUGE Canadian hit!! The humour just isn't for me! I'm sure those who loved the show will LOVE the movie!
