Who else is sick and tired of winter? I know I am.
This winter was bad. Between the freezing rain , snow and very cold temperatures it really got me feeling blah and on top of that we have so far been having a horrible 2014.
Last Friday and Saturday it snowed so on Saturday afternoon I went outside my James (my husband) and did some shoveling. Not halfway through and I slipped and fell on the ice. Unfortunately I sprained my ankle.
I was in bed most of Saturday because I had to keep my foot elevated and put ice on it. James was great. He brought up a drink for me when I needed it and Azrael (Our dog) didn't want to leave my side.
On Sunday I forced myself to go downstairs and laid down on the sofa. I watched movies and did a bit of reading. Azrael slept on my lap for quite some time and James was awesome taking care of me and making sure Azrael and Meeloo (our cat) were taken care of as well. James even made dinner.
Today (Monday) I am in a little bit less pain but I still need to stay off my feet as much as possible but it is difficult since James had to go back to work and Azrael needs to go out sometimes and such. Plus I think I am expecting some parcels today so this will be a challenge since it is snowing out and it hurts like crazy when I put on some shoes. Today is the first time ever that I am hoping I do not get any parcels.
All I plan on doing today is rest with my feet up and watching some movies and tv shows. I will most likely also be reading and snuggling with Azrael.
This article is worthy of attention.