*The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.*
The Leininger family settled deep within America's new frontier in the Blue Mountains of Pennsylvania. A sudden Indian raid changed their lives forever. This story retells the heroic and daring escape of Barbara Leininger, and the touching reunion with her sister, Regina, after nine years. It also gives us an endearing portrayal of the love between family members and the strength of childhood memories. Father and Mother Leininger's commitment to 'hide' God's Word in the hearts of their children.
This isn't the kind of book I usually read and review but I decided to give it a chance. Alone Yet Not Alone is based on a true story and I was quite surprised that I very much enjoyed it even though it isn't the usual kind of book I would read. It is very well written and I could very well imagine all that is going on in this story.It is a quick read at less 150 pages so you can read it in an afternoon.
Oh and this book is turned into a movie and will be released in theaters on September 27, 2013.
I give this book 4 out of 5
Starring: Kelly Greyson, Natalie Racoosin, Clay Walker, Jenn Gotzon, Joanie Stewart, Ozzie Torres, Tony Wade.
Bring Alone Yet Not Alone to Your City: http://seatzy.com/main/moviedetail/alone-yet-not-alone
Movie Twitter: https://twitter.com/AYNAthemovie
Movie Website: http://www.aloneyetnotalone.com
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Winner will have 48 hours to reply back to me with their mailing address. No P.O.Box.
Great opinion.
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