Zombie Burst is the first of its kind amongst the realm of Zombie apps, putting a unique spin on the ever-thrilling Zombie hunt! After 99% of humankind is turned into pimple-headed Zombies due to a contamination of the world’s water supply, you as the sole survivor must use your freakishly strong hands against the ruthless biting machines by bursting their brains as you fight your way out of Chicago.
With ten eerie Windy City inspired levels to play through, you must burst countless brains and wipe away the Zombie goo in order to unlock achievements, score points and see if you have what it takes to own the leaderboard in this frightfully addictive game!
I started playing this app a last night and I couldn't stop playing it. First 3 levels I had no problems with but after that I found it got harder and I started having sore fingers so I had to stop for the night but I got back to playing it this afternoon for an hour again and played it until my fingers got sore again. I love zombie games so I jumped at the chance to review this game and I am so glad I did because I love it.
If you are into zombie games and you have a iPhone or iPod Touch than I think you may like this games as much as I do.
Zombie Burst HD for iPad is coming soon.
product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the
manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing.
Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary
it was awesome!!