Monday, March 14, 2011

A Model Railway Man by Alain Gomez (ebook review)

Working on his model railroad set is more than just a hobby for John Wilson, it's his desperate attempt to fix the ghosts of his childhood. But his obsession with his creation may have an unexpected side-effect...

Short Story, approx. 2,500 words

My Review 
An other nice little short story. If you are into Twilight Zone like books/short stories then you might like this one . 

4 out of 5 

*I have received a free copy of this book for my honest review.* 



  1. I just had to tell you that I love love love your blog design!! And I like all the short story reviews - you def don't see those all over the book blogs...always refreshing to find a unique spin on posting. Look forward to more!

  2. Hi!
    That is true you don't see many short stories in review blogs . I think they are just as important as regular books. They are awesome for when you do not have time to read regular books like when you are waiting at the doctor's office.

    Thanks about the comment on the blog design.. I am sure picky when it comes to the design of my blog. I wanted something feminine but something that has 3 columns. This is the only one I found that has both and that doesn't make it look sloppy :)
