Rumpel is the dark and quirky retelling of the Brothers Grimm Rumpelstiltskin.
When foreigners arrive on an island beach in search of a lost spinning wheel which they believe rightfully belongs to them and on which their very existence depends, the island inhabitants are thrust into a course of events during which some will become allies and others will turn against their own and Elizabeth Miller must defend her unborn child from a vengeful troll.
My Review
I must admit I have never read Brothers Grimm Rumpelstiltskin but Eileen Cruz Coleman's Rumpel retelling of this story was a awesome and now I want to read the fairy tale. If you are into retelling of fairy tales then I am pretty sure you will love this one. It is very well writing and couldn't stop reading. I actually read this one in one night. This is definitely going to be one ebook I will be keeping and I will be looking forward to reading more novels by Eileen Cruz Coleman.
If you want this ebook you can find it in and also at Smashwords
I give this a 4 out of 5
Thank you for reviewing Rumpel and for your kind words!
it was no problem.. I really enjoyed reading this one.