The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.
The Emotional Well-Being boxes are designed to offer you tactile ways to connect to your Inner wisdom and your personal sense of well-being.
Each monthly boxes contain:
- Information Card (about that month's theme)
- Emotional Support Practice Card
- Affirmation Cards
- Supplies to Make Your Own Candle Kit With the Color of the Month
- A Stone or Gem With Description
- Essential Oil With Description
- Chocolate of the Month
- Color of the Month Journal Pages
- Art Therapy Inspired Directive Kit With Art Materials
- Featured Item of the Month
Price of this monthly box is $45.00 USD per month
Now here is what is in box 2. Not in any particular order.
Note cards on all you get in the box and info on everything.
Emergency Care Kit. I find this activity to be very helpful.
A 10-seconds hourglass pen to remind you of how quickly you can change your state. I
actually have had to use this a few times this past week.
drumming circle shaker. I think this will be coming in handy during the next month.
Essential oil. Last month I wasn't a fan of the scent but this time I very much enjoyed it.
If you are a big tea drinker you will be happy to see tea in this box.
red candle kit. Who doesn't love candles? I know I do.
The red shoe scroll kit.- to explore what you may want less of in your life.
Red tiger's eye stone. You will see a better look at the stone right below this
Not a good photo but I just love this stone. I am keeping it with a few other stones on my desk.
Affirmation cards. I keep this in my planner where I can see them every day.
In the first box, you get a journal making kit to start you off. Every box you get more pages for your journal and some prompts. Isn't this a great idea?
In box number 2 you get stress balls. I love these stress balls and I kept them in handy in different rooms in the house and I keep one in my purse. I had to keep them in the box to take photos because my little dog just kept trying to steal them.
I am very impressed with what has been in the boxes so far. I find everything has been very useful and I know I will be using it all in the future.
I do very much recommend Emotional Well-Being box.