The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.
About Amazingly Beautiful A.M Moisturizer And Amazingly Beautiful P.M Revitalizer
The safest and most effective moisturizer available
Say goodbye to dry skin
Say goodbye to oily skin
Skin looks and feels younger, softer and smooth like silk
Decreases the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and crow’s feet
Reduces appearance of aging
Firms and tones skin’s appearance
Pores appear to shrink, giving a smoother look to skin’s complexion
Blemishes appear to just fade away
100% pure botanical oils of almond, orange, lemon, avocado, evening primrose, olive and apricot
I have dry skin and my skin is very sensitive so I am always scared to use new products on my skin but when I was asked to review Amazingly Beautiful A. M. Moisturizer and P. M. Revitalizer I jumped on the chance .I knew my face wouldn't get all red and burning because I knew it didn't have any chemicals. Who likes having chemicals they don't even know what they are and they can barely ever even pronounce? Certainly not me.
I have been using the Amazingly Beautiful A.M Moisturizer every morning and the P.M Revitalizer before bed every day for the past 2 weeks . I have not really noticed any changed wrinkle wise and I don't think I look any younger but I noticed my face looks healthier and my keeps my skin hydrated all day . My skin feels smoother and I did notice that a bunch of my blemishes disappeared.
I have to say that I have not often used anything to reduce appearance of aging because and I do have a few wrinkles and such but I am 38 and I now want to start taking care of my face more and from the few skin care products I have tried so far Amazingly Beautiful A. M. Moisturizer and P. M. Revitalizer are my favourites.
Do I think it is worth it? Personally yes I do because I love the way it makes my skin feel and the fact that it look healthier. AlsoI just love the fact that each bottle lasts about 2 months and I was surprised and happy that the label was personalized. It is a nice touch. I will be purchasing these from now on.
If you are interested in purchasing Amazingly Beautiful A. M. Moisturizer and P. M. Revitalizer you can do so at
For a limited time, the manufacturer is willing to offer my readers one FREE bottle. They said they would love to have our readers try out Amazingly Beautiful A.M. Moisturizer (for women) or The Man A.M. Moisturizer (for men) and agreed to send one bottle FREE if our readers would pay a minimal shipping and handling charge. This is a one-time only offer! They also agreed to include 2 eye-opening reports – The Poisons You Put On Your Face Everyday and Why Your Skin Care Products Have Never Worked: The Truth Revealed .” That’s a total value of over $40.00. Click here to get your FREE Bottle and FREE reports now!”
This giveaway is different from other giveaways I have hosted on my blog because usually most of my giveaway are US and Canada only but for this giveaway readers who live in the U.S., Canada, Europe and Australia
There will be 3 winners . Winners will receive 1 bottle of Amazingly Beautiful A.M. Moisturizer.
Good Luck!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway