Let’s face it: we live in a technology-based era. Think about it: how long can you last without your smartphone, your tablet, or your laptop? The answer, most likely, is not for very long. Some of us tend to get that feeling of being ‘lost’ without our gadgets—and in some cases, others feel extreme anxiety without a smartphone—whether it is an iPhone, Android, or a Samsung Galaxy. There is no doubt about it: technology rules our planet, and new discoveries and advances are created seemingly every day. Even experts have suggested that 2014 could be the year that
"the cloud" takes over.
Now, for those of you who do not necessarily understand what this cloud is, this post will provide helpful information.
The best way to describe the Cloud is to consider our systems from back in the day. During that time, our data—such as photos, files, music, and documents—were stored on a piece of hardware. Examples include a floppy disk or even a CD.
However, now that we have such a significant amount of photo sharing—such as Facebook, Flickr, and Instagram—as well as free music providers such as Pandora and Spotify, we have instant access to what we need without the use of nearly ancient hardware.
Not to mention you can watch television programs through YouTube, Netflix, and Amazon.
The movies, photos, and music that aren’t on your computer directly—rather, on the internet instead—are known as the Cloud. It is almost synonymous with the internet.
Of course, the internet plays a major role for many business industries as well. Take advertising companies, for example. Without the Cloud, finding information, photos, and even free music through internet channels to listen to while working would be exceptionally difficult.
Another industry which highly benefits from the Cloud is the world of information technology.
Whether you are using the Cloud for IT services in New Jersey or any other part of the country, there is truly no denying its power and resourcefulness for this industry. In fact, most businesses in the information technology industry are relying on Cloud computing and consumerization as two of the most transformative trends in IT enterprise today. Cloud computing and consumerization can affect roughly every single aspect of IT. This includes from application development to application delivery and from data storage to even the importance of data security.
Businesses used to rely on more traditional resources, while they are now updating to the digital information realm. Despite word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and graphs being saved on professional computers as unlosable files, there are other options such as Google documents where businesses can gather plenty of information while stored in the Cloud.
Of course, there are plenty of other industries who rely highly on this very cherished Cloud. These include the following:
Advertising, Branding & Marketing
Capital Markets
Chemicals, Coatings & Plastics
Consumer Products
Convenience Pay Services
Textile & Fashion
…and not to mention, plenty more.
Your business will soon depend on the Cloud, as it is an excellent resource from information and storage. Experiment with programs and websites and see how it works for you.
Christopher Forsythe is an expert in the field of information technology, who works in his New York based firm. He graduated with a degree in technology management. His passion for the Cloud and all it has to offer is a tremendous part of his life. Christopher enjoys fishing, boating, and hiking in his spare time.